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Use this secure and easy to use payment form to process any payment. You will receive an on-screen "success" message confirming your payment as well as an e-mail payment notice message following your payment.


Total Amount
Payment method
Pay by Credit/Debit Card
Credit Card Number*
Expiration Date*
Card (CVV) Code*
Card Holder Name*
Verification code*

Mission Statement

Bermuda Explorer is committed to the international exposure of the Bermuda islands and the people therein.


We believe that Bermuda has a rich history, culture and a unique way of living that must be showcased to the world.


Bermuda Explorer will be fully dedicated to providing the requests of visitors that come to Bermuda shores ensuring that they have a safe and happy stay.


Bermuda Explorer will provide prompt and professionals service and offer a quality product that is of world class standard.


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